· F R E E · P R A I S E ·

Free Praise License

The musical notation and lyrics of works released under the terms of the Free Praise License may be freely reproduced or transmitted in any written or digital format for all purposes of religious worship, provided that:

This license does NOT comprise permission to publish the musical works for sale, singly or in a songbook or compilation in any format. The right to license commercial performances and/or to make recordings for commercial sale is retained by the composer and/or the composers publisher and/or the composers performance rights organization. This license does NOT supercede or replace the rights of the composer(s) under United States Copyright statutes.

What Does This Mean?

To cut through the "legalese", you may . . .

. . . as long as the name and copyright information is always included. Also, please include the title page with the text of the Free Praise License with any copy of the full score you print, file, or give away.

. . . But you may not . . .

. . . without specific, documented permission of the composer or publisher listed in the copyright notice. 

Usually musicians are happy to work something out with you .... but you must ask - it's the law.