Savior of the Nations, Come

Lutheran Worship 13
Text: attrib. St. Ambrose 340-97; German version M. Luther 1483-1546 tr. Samuel Janzow
Tune: "NUN KOMM, DER HEIDEN HEILAND" Johann Walter, Geystliche gesangk Buchleyn, 1524
Text copyright CPH
Alternative Hymns: LW 33 "Let The Earth Now Praise The Lord"
MP3 (Live mix from worship service)
MP3 "Unplugged" demo, quieter feel to it
MP3 Taking it a step further: slowing it down, adding viola, a different feel....

Comments: This one's a little bit strange and melodramatic, and is similar to "Come O Long Expected Jesus". I'm not sure why a fair amount of Advent material is in a minor key like this.