
"One Accord" is a name used by the praise band at Faith Lutheran Church in Lincoln, Nebraska. Like many other contemporary worship bands, we have found new arrangements of traditional hymns to be especially effective in worship. People who may have sung the original hymns from an early age appreciate the new energy and impact of these versions without struggling to learn new melodies and words. Those who are unchurched, or know only contemporary choruses and popular Christian songs, are introduced to the powerful words and melodies of time-tested Lutheran hymnody in a style that speaks to their heart. We find common ground joining to sing such songs, and thus are able to worship "in one accord".

These arrangements have generally been performed with a full ensemble of guitar, bass, drums, and keyboards accompanying our vocalists; but the scores included here “work” even with a single piano or guitar. (See the performance notes.) Several of these tunes are used for more than one hymn in "Lutheran Worship" and other hymnals. These alternative are noted where we are aware of them.

It's my hope that this material will be a blessing to worshippers in many places. Please observe the terms of distribution that permit free copying and sharing for worship use, but require permission if you wish to publish any of the arrangements in a commercial format or collection, or intend to record them for resale.

Paul Marxhausen
October 2006